FoodZaps has invented fail-safe restaurant management technology. It is neither Legacy POS nor Cloud Based POS. FoodZaps POS combined the benefits of Legacy POS’s performance and reliability together with Cloud Based POS’s easy to setup and maintain. FoodZaps POS has no requirement for internet connection during operation and uses android devices like the mobiles and tablets. FoodZaps enables all the devices to self synchronize without going through the cloud or back office client server. When internet is made available, data will automatic backup to the cloud and off load the data from the devices.

  • Legacy POS
    Also known as traditional & conventional POS systems. Legacy POS store data on a PC/Server and run on closed internal network. An example of legacy application will be word processor to edit the document which is store on the PC.


  • Cloud Based POS
    Also known as Web-hosted solution or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) that store data on remote servers and make information accessible online. Examples of such services are Facebook, email etc.


With cloud computing, high-speed network and mobile devices becoming more affordable, Cloud Based POS system is more popular due to easy maintenance as compared to Legacy POS. Cloud Based POS depends highly on internet connection therefore it is unable to function like Legacy POS’s performance and reliability.

FoodZaps is the new revolutionized POS Software and System for the economy.

If you would like your business to run smoothly 24×7, increase efficiency, collect more customer data and monitor your business while you are not in the outlet and office.

FoodZaps Mobile Ordering + POS System is the only choice.

Legacy/Traditional POS
$1,000 to $50,000 per year depending on features, no of terminals and outlets.
Setup is difficult and normally done by professional who is qualified by the POS vendor.
Run on POS Vendor Stationary terminals.
Hardware typically harder to break, a lot more expensive to fix.
Data is stored in internal backend office server.
Cloud Based POS
$600 to $10,000 per year depending on features, no of terminals and SKU.
Setup is easy with tutorials and step by step guide on the web.
Mostly run on iPad.
Hardware is supported by local distributor and can be easily replace.
Data is stored in remote Cloud Servers.
FoodZaps POS
$300 to $1000 per year per outlet.
Setup is easy with tutorials and step by step guide on the web.
Run on Android.
Hardware is supported by local distributor and can be easily replace.
Data is stored on device and Remote Cloud Servers.


Written by Tan Huey Meng

Technical Director of FoodZaps Technology Pte Ltd

Foodzaps_Blog_Posts_CombinationofLegacyPOSandCloudBasedPOS_300px_002If you would like your business to run smoothly 24×7, increase efficiency, collect more customer data and monitor your business while you are not in the outlet and office.

FoodZaps Mobile Ordering + POS System is the only choice.
